This dove turned up in my garden in this condition the other day. He is feeding well and able to fly ok, but he looks dreadful. There are 5 doves that come into my garden and the love triangle from an earlier post still continues, but they ignore this one. It seems to scratch a lot, do they get mange?
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Looks like it could be loosing the battle with lice or mites.
Poor thing.
It could be due to mites (which are the cause of mange). Most birds carry mites and other parasites without them ever causing a major problem (though they do seem to have a big impact when it comes to pairing up with healthy birds avoiding those with a heavy mite load), they are usually more of an issue for the chicks in high numbers, so there could be an underlying cause as to the condition of your collared dove.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Will it affect the other birds in my garden, Should I stop feeding. I clean all my feeders every week and have not seen any other birds with the same symptoms.
Hi Sarah,
Poor thing. He has a very nasty bald patch under his eye and looks in dreadful condition, but if he is eating normally and flying he should be OK in the long run. I can't think that it is necessary to stop feeding, but someone with more knowledge will have a better answer.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Oh Bless him. Do you remember Punky? he had a similar problem and now all his feathers have grown back and I can't tell him from the rest, so maybe yours will do the same - nature is very clever!! But we do worry about them.
You have no control over what life & people throw at you - but you have full control over how you deal with it!
Oh yes I'd forgotten about him. It's probably the stress of the b'"$£^Y magpie chasing him. That's reassuring anyway.
I don't think there is any need to stop feeding the birds, birds usually carry mites and lice anyway.
Ooooaaahhhhh poor thing!!!!
I would think as he's flying eating ok etc he'd be alright, but its sad to seem him like that.
I wonder if he feeds somehwere regularly in your garden where it perhaps might be worthwhile adding a supplement to his food to help him on his way? Dunno if thats helpful or not.
I didn't get to be stupid by being blonde, I was stupid enough to pay to be blonde!!!
Yes Lyndsey.He always uses the bird table, can you suggest anything suitable. Apart from scratching a lot he seems ok in himself.
OOOeeeeeerrrrr Bramble - Thanks for putting me on spot!!!!!
3 suggestions - all from my mealworm farming investigations (on the basis you are what you eat I want my mealworms to be nutrituous)
1. Nutrabal - its made with a high calcium content for reptiles - I've been using it for the mealies as its cheaper to buy that and bran from healthfood shop than Pro-grub
2. Sprinkle Support - I know you can get that from CJ foods and thats designed to sprinkle over bird food - I didn't use it for mealies tho and havn't tried it so cannot comment
3.Vitamin capsules or ground up multivit tabs made for us humans. Again was suourced via mealworm research BUT you have to use it in VERY small quantities.
If your poor dove was in my garden I think I would probably go for 2. BUT as I say I've never done it for birds and am not sure what would be safe levels for anything is.
Not sure I've been much help here LOL