This dove turned up in my garden in this condition the other day. He is feeding well and able to fly ok, but he looks dreadful. There are 5 doves that come into my garden and the love triangle from an earlier post still continues, but they ignore this one. It seems to scratch a lot, do they get mange?
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Thanks for the ideas, I will perhaps ask it as a separate question to see if any of these lovely people has used this type of thing. Just the fact you have responded is a help. Thank you
You're very welcome.
give your doggie a good stroke from me!!!
I didn't get to be stupid by being blonde, I was stupid enough to pay to be blonde!!!
It looks like it could be feather mites - they are most active during spring and early summer. However, i wouldn't advise any treatment added to feed -
Unfortunately when wild birds are afflicted with this condition they cannot be treated as domestic birds can be. Dosages must be exact for individual birds over a prolonged period of time. Additives included feed or water could affect other healthy birds - plus without veterinary attention we don't know exactly what is wrong with the bird so you may be dosing it with something inappropriate to its condition. Attempting to catch the bird is a tricky business and could put unnecessary stress on the bird. Mites is something which they can potentially recover from so it is best to leave them be.
You can find information on helping sick birds on the main website here
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Thanks. Have answered this on other post. will hope makes a recovery. As I say he is feeding well and still able to fly in and out of my garden to do so. He does not appear listless just itchy.
Finger crossed he will be ok
Well the good news is that he's still alive. He came to my garden again about two weeks after these pictures were taken and spent about 10 minutes standing in the birdbath, eating seed that had fallen in.
His condition seemed to be about the same.
However I did not see him again until today and assumed the worst. He showed up today looking worse than before, but partly maybe because it was pouring with rain. He stayed again for about 10 mintes eating and then flew off.
Oh poor dove, it probably would look worse when it's wet though but at least it had a good feed and knows it can come to you for food so it must be keeping it's energy up. Hopefully it's getting better, fingers crossed !
What a wonderful world :))
That looks like a real bad case of Pigeon mite. hope he comes through it ok and there arent to meany more cold damp nights for him to deal with.
If its no fun Yer no doin it right!
Hi Sarah,
Poor thing. He looks so uncomfortable, but at least he is eating and also he knows where to go for some good food. I have a feral pigeon with a bald head and face. He is quite bad but has a mate and vsits the bird table all the time. I watch him when he is here and he scratches a lot. I hope your dove gets better soon. Please give us updates.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr