my pair of robins babies have just hatched how safe are live mealworms to be put out for the parent birds to feed them
They are ideal Susan. Mum will break them up to feed to chicks.
Hi Susan
Welcome to the Forum.
As Brenda has said this is perfect food for young chicks. Many birds which normally eat seeds like finches will switch to feeding their youngsters with live food like insects and grubs. This not only provides a protein rich diet but also gives the chicks essential moisture which they otherwise can't get being confined to a nest.
Best wishes
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As others have said, absolutely perfect. Hoope you see the family.
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Hi all
They go like hot cakes here, but I'm a bit squeamish and have to pick them out of their bran either with tweezers or a small plastic fork.
I put some in my Guardian now, and the starlings eat theirs on the feeder dish very quickly then have to watch as the blue tits and the great tits have theirs at a leisurely pace during the rest of the morning.
Best wishes Chris
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Unknown said: my pair of robins babies have just hatched how safe are live mealworms to be put out for the parent birds to feed them
Quite safe, as other people have said - but at this stage the mini size might be better.