Yesterday I saw a pair of Great Tits in the garden for the first time.They didn't stay long but did use the feeders and sat on top of my brand new nest box (just the size for Great Tits!). After my daughter saw a couple of Goldfinches the other day I am beginning to think that my garden is becoming more attractive.
I live on a new estate and from what I can see my garden is the only really bird friendly one with feeders and nest boxes back and front so could be a bit of an oasis for the birds.
On looking round the estate I see so many places that would be ideal for nest boxes and I feel like telling everyone to put one up!!
It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.
But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.
Hi madpenguin,
That's excellent news. You are obviously doing everything right if you are beginning to see birds in the garden. They will all be on the look out for your oasis now. I'm sure some of your neighbours will cotton on once they see your success but in the meantime enjoy having them to yourself!
There is something new to learn everyday...
Hi Sarum Bat
Looks like you are keen on bats.We do get some flying round here, not sure what sort they are though!
Hi Madpenguin, that is brilliant news. It shows you are doing everything right. And I agree with SB - keep them to yourself and enjoy them!!!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi madpenguin (great name by the way)
Yes, I like bats. I am a volunteer Bat Warden for Natural England.
The bats you see are most likely to be pipistrelles but it depends on the type of habitat and there are 17 types of bat to choose from! There are lots of things to consider. Do you see them emerge from a roost site and if so what type (house, barn, etc)? Do you live in a town or in the country? Is there a body of water nearby? Are there lots of trees? What part of the country do you live in, eg. north or south? Do they fly straight or do they fly in a darting, erratic manner or in continuous loop with little darts now and again? do you see them early in the eveing or later on?
Now youve got me started!! I'd better stop so as not to sidetrack the great tits thread but if you want want any more info on the bats, let me know.
Hi Madpenguin,
Excellent news for you, and I agree, keep them all for yourself!!!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi madpenguin
Great news for you, you are going to get so much enjoyment out of watching the birds now they are coming in that you'll be addicted to it just lke the rest of us. I say to myself "I'll just have half hour watching and then I'll go do what I should be doing" then before you know it best part of th day has virtually passed without you realising it! :-)
Hi Kezmo [wave] Yup! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt - and the dust!!! LOL
Me too LOL