We have just had a blackcap in the garden for the first time. When I looked it up in the bird book it said it was a summer visitor. Is this correct?
First of all welcome to the forums,I am sure you will enjoy It here you will pick up lots of advice and tips.I have a female Blackcap In my garden It Is the first year I had ever seen one.This topic was on a previous post under Wildlife questions someone posted"Blackcap migration".It seems some might stay depending where you live.
Hi mg
I see you've just joined , so welcome to the Forum.
Blackcaps used to be regarded as summer visitors but increasingly they are seen in Britain right through the winter. Many of the ones we see in winter have come in from the continent to avoid the harsh weather over there, some may be the ones that were here in summer although most of those will have gone south.Now that spring is here the reverse process is taking place with some going back to northern Europe while many more will be arriving here from southern Europe. Never straightforward is it.
I've had two or three staying with me at various times through the winter. Here's one of my "residents".
My Flickr Photostream
Hello MG and a warm welcome to the forum.
You are lucky to have a blackcap and I hope he stays around for you.
Excellent pic TJ. It's probably the closest I'll come to one!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi mg, welcome to the forums.
Some Blackcaps are resident all year in the UK.
It depends on what part of the country you are in, if your'e in the warmer south then the chances are your birds will stay all year if there is an abundance of food.
Some birds move on to warmer climates, a few will stay in northwest Europe for winter and others move to south Europe.
The same can be said for some other migrants! Chiffchaff's can remain in warmer southern areas.
Hope this helps!
Regards Buzzard
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