Goldfinch - all change?

Has anyone else who regularly has goldfinches noticed a change this last week or two?

All winter I have had a small charm of these delightful birds. They have been on my feeders or in the tree most of the day and given me a great deal of pleasure, not to mention them bringing some cousins - a couple of siskins, greenfinch and redpolls. They are feisty little things, not put off by my bigger birds, including noisy starlings, jackdaws and pigeons.

Last week the numbers reduced to just 2, and these 2 behave completely differently to my normal ones, and are clearly new to my garden and not part of my group. Although they are visiting every day, several times, they are nervous and easily spooked. They drop down from the tree and fly around the feeder then back to the tree, taking a long time to decide to have a feed. Once they have a feed they are off again within a minute especially when other birds appear. My "regulars" have disappeared completely.

I am wondering if my regulars have gone off somewhere else to do their courting and breeding, and these 2 new ones have arrived back from their winter home on the Continent.

Cheers, Linda.

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