Has anyone else who regularly has goldfinches noticed a change this last week or two?
All winter I have had a small charm of these delightful birds. They have been on my feeders or in the tree most of the day and given me a great deal of pleasure, not to mention them bringing some cousins - a couple of siskins, greenfinch and redpolls. They are feisty little things, not put off by my bigger birds, including noisy starlings, jackdaws and pigeons.
Last week the numbers reduced to just 2, and these 2 behave completely differently to my normal ones, and are clearly new to my garden and not part of my group. Although they are visiting every day, several times, they are nervous and easily spooked. They drop down from the tree and fly around the feeder then back to the tree, taking a long time to decide to have a feed. Once they have a feed they are off again within a minute especially when other birds appear. My "regulars" have disappeared completely.
I am wondering if my regulars have gone off somewhere else to do their courting and breeding, and these 2 new ones have arrived back from their winter home on the Continent.
Cheers, Linda.
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Hi Sparrow, I wish I had Goldfinch and was able to answer your question, all I can say is my Chaffinch have done a bunk, and my two Song thrush, things have changed in my garden recently I don't see my Dunnock very often now they have turned into infrequent visitors also all my Tit's are not visiting so much either, my garden is mostly busy with Blackbirds, Wood pigeons, collared doves, Starlings and robins now.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
Some Goldfinches actually remain here and others just winter here so your regulars may have moved on to be replaced by breeders who will settle down and your regulars may return over winter.I am not an expert but this has happened to me, we have visitors and "tenants". The numbers rise considerably during the winter then we are down to half a dozen or so for the rest of the year.I am sure someone will give you a more definative explanation
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Hi Sparrow, I have had lots of Goldfinch over the winter and i have been filling the feeders daily, picture below was a typical day, but like you they have disappeared over the last week or so. Like you my only thought has been that they have now migrated to wherever they breed, but to be honest I thought they were a native and stayed here all year round? Gary
visit http://walksnwildlife.blogspot.com/
Hi Gary,
What a wonderful photo Gary.
I believe that approximately 80% of goldfinches migrate abroad in the winter, returning in the spring. This should mean we have more in the summer than the winter, so fingers crossed.
My two stalwarts turned in to 4 today, and 2 greenfinches came back after a couple of weeks absence, so things are looking up!
WOW! Great photo Gary. It's no wonder my seldom seen two have disappeared altogether now - I think they're at your place.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Sparrow,
Sorry to hear about your Goldfinches!.But don't you worry they could be arriving here in Somerset (about time), I now have the grand total of .........Two.
This pic was taken this morning.
What a beautiful picture Littlowl. Such gorgeous birds, and don't they pose well when they see a camera!
Well done on your two. They should increase in number, hopefully.
The only difference I have noticed re goldfinches this week is that I now have two visiting my garden daily, having never had any before! So I am very happy :) although soon to be penniless trying to keep them in sunflower hearts!
As I have said before, we always have goldfinch, but we are now seeing large groups going through, who only stop for a feed. Some stay for a day or two and others just use our feeders like a motorway service area. All lovely to see though.
Yes, I've seen a great reduction in numbers of goldfinch coming to the feeders. I only get the odd one or two appearing and as others have said they don't stay around for long.
I think we are in the transition period with the migrants that came in from the continent gradually disappearing and the ones that wintered further south yet to return.
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