I have read that they can eat unsmoked bacon fat, so can they eat the stuff off ham too? I am a fussy eater and always cut this off, would be interested to know whether I can give it to the birds instead of putting it in the bin.
Hi SOADreamer
I have to say I have given birds the cooked rind of bacon in the past. I always cut it into bird bite sized pieces.
I think giving the ham rind is fine as long as it is cut into small dainty pieces to prevent any choking.
Kathy and Dave
somethingofadreamer said: I have read that they can eat unsmoked bacon fat, so can they eat the stuff off ham too? I am a fussy eater and always cut this off, would be interested to know whether I can give it to the birds instead of putting it in the bin.
Hi I am not sure about this one because ham is cured and I wonder if part of the curing process involves salt.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Squirrel
I was wondering about the salt levels too - some products my be fine, and others a salt trap for birds.
A good look at the ingrediants on the packet will give a lot away about salt.
Dreamer: What does it say on the packaging about salt levels?