We have a pile of tree cuttings that have been lying in a quiet corner of the garden for about 18months. We want to move them & build up a proper little wildlife home with logs etc, but don't know when to move it. We're sure there are mice in there & probably lots of insects so we don't want to cause too much disruption. The new set up will be put in place immediately after we move the cuttings but please can some of you knowledgeable people advise me on when to make the move! Also, should I investigate whether or not the hedgehog has left the little house we made him? It has a removeable roof so it might not disturb him too much do you think? Thanks.
If you have mice , now is the time to move your cuttings as mice breed April - September. It will not do them any harm if they are disturbed now and if you are replacing the area, they will soon return to nest. Your hedgehog will probably be still hibernating due to the cold weather so I wouldn't disturb him just move his "house" carefully if you need to
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Thank you Birdwatcher, that has helped. Will probably move it all next weekend. Could be there's no mice left if my cat's been snacking though! Going to look at my hedgehog tomorrow now instead of waiting. Hope it's a she & has babies - the more the merrier - I HATE slugs!