HelloWe are going to build nest boxes (recycle works) at school and we would like to know if it's possible to use only mineral oil (without other materials like linseed oil) to deal nest them and if it's possible to deal with engine oil used (from cars) to nest birds and to nest insects. We prefer using only used material.Neither of us is sure about if it's good to paint the nest.Thanks,Alf.
Hi Alfredo, I'm not sure what is best to use on nest boxes but, I wouldn't use engine oil, lots of nasties in that and not good for the birds feathers. I would stay away from using any oils unless you have it on good authority because of the harm that may be caused to the birds plumage if you go to your local garden centre they do sell animal safe wood stains, just make sure they are safe for the birds, personaly I would try and find something totally natural, we don't use any chemicals whatsoever in our house, some of the others will be able to give you some pointers.
Linseed oil is O.K just found this link.
There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed.
According to the RSPB:
It's always best to leave the box untreated. As it weathers, it will blend into its surroundings. Softwood boxes can be treated with selected water-based preservatives, which are known to be safe for animals, such as Sadolin. Apply it only to the outside of the box, and not around the entrance hole. Make sure the box dries and airs thoroughly before you put it up.
The full article with advice about nest boxes can be seen here:
Hi, Thank you very much Elibee and Bishy-barney-bee for answering me all my questions.
Kind regards, Alf