How do you store your Bird Food?


Hi there

I am in a few frames of mind what containers (air-tight ) are the best to keep my bird food for storage purposes.  We move around a bit so it makes it easier to transport bird food without any accidents occurring.

I have a few of the storage boxes you put cereal in (quite robust plastic boxes like the old fashioned tupperware containers)

I also keep the RSPB 'Mealworm' containers and store suet sprinkles in those.

Just simply to prolong the life of bird food so it does not get damp at all.

What idea/tips do you have, and would like to share here?


Kathy and Dave


  • Anonymous
    0 Anonymous 02/03/2010 04:37 in reply to SeymourClearly

    Hi Seymourclearly

    Hope your birds visit your new station soon and I am sure that they will.

    Lots of tasty snacks will do the trick {thumbs up}


    Kathy and Dave


  • Thanks Blackbird and Sparrow .

     Certainly hope they will.

     Looking forward to seeing what we can expect here at the new house. 

    Quite exciting really when you are not sure what the "locals" are going to be.

  • I have a full size plastic bin which can  hold 20 kg of seed,  20 kg of peanuts & 24 half kilo bags of sultanas, which is kept in the garage.  Inside the back door, I have my aunt's old enamel breadbin which holds a week's supply of nuts and seed  plus a couple of bags of sultanas ( a day's supply) and a tub of mealworms.  I have two old coffe mugs which I use to scoop the food from the breadbin to transfer  to the birdtable and feeders.

    My blackbirds are so tame that they help themselves from the sultana bag if I am busy in the garden.  Several of them will sit on the doorhandle and peck the glass for service, and if the backdoor is open, they fly or walk in.





  • Big plastic storages boxes that you buy in DIY stores and places like Wilkinsons, I also store the chicken food in these.


    "Feed the birds, tuppence a bag" Mary Poppins

  • Nicki C said:
    What idea/tips do you have, and would like to share here?

    Hi Blackbird

    In my understairs cupboard I have 2 old cat food container buckets with lids that I store peanuts and my special mix of sunflower haerts etc. I also keep the buckets that RSPB peck n' mix, coconuts, fat snax or mealworm containers come in and use those for various things like nyger seed, half coconuts, suet balls and peck n' mix that I now often mix myself (suet pellets, raisins and mealworms).

    I still have half used bags of old stuff that maybe the birds don't currently like that needs to be stored elsewhere, so some is in the garage on an old carpet square, and some is in the utility room cupboard.

    Best wishes Chris

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

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