Is It Illegal To Kill Crows?

I'm hoping you are all going to say yes, but what I really need is a link to something that I can forward on to someone that is having a problem with crows please? 

Many thanks!

  • That is exactly what I was saying in my earlier posts - they can be killed under specified circumstances only, and the person carrying out the killings must adhere to all the conditions set out in the general licence, including that the birds rather than anything else have been identified as being the problem, and that the killing would resolve the problem. To my knowledge, backyard chickens are not covered by the general licence system, and so I don' t believe that lethal methods would be available to your friend. However, she would get a definitive answer from the government department that administers the wildlife licensing matters, and I recommend she contacts them first to clarify the issue if she is wanting to kill any of the crows.

  • Sorry Trochilus, I got totally confused with your answer - my fault!  I'm afraid when situations like this arise, I get easily upset at the thought of wildlife being killed so easily and readily by many people.  They seem to think it is their right if they are causing a 'nuisance'.  I will certainly pass on what you have said about getting an answer from the government department about what she can do.

    Thanks for your help and sorry for panicking!!! :-(