I love this website, it's about a pair of robins that decided to nest on an office shelf at the University of York!
Red Red Robin
They must have wanted the chicks to get a good education :-)
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Like the site KatTai.
I met a robin today, that had found the perfect place to survive the big freeze - the birdfood department of a local garden centre! I first saw it emerging from under a pallet, where it had presumably been scavenging for food spilt from split bags. It then flew up to perch in a weeping fig tree beside the display, where it had warm air from a nearby heater. I guess there were enough drips from the roof to supply it with drinking water, too.
I mentioned it to the girl on the checkout, and it seems the staff are well aware of its antics - during the day, it comes & goes through the open door. Perhaps they benefit from kind hearted customers buying food to give it titbits - I would have given it some of my berry suet pellets, but it had disappeared when I went back.
i opened a forum to day wandering what unsal places birds will nest this year i have moved my blue tit box this year hope i get one in ther this year had one flittering in and out for 2 years think i t was the male flitting back to batcherlor pad liked the story as well lets see what lovley pic we can get this year
It always seems to be Robins that turn up in unusual places, bless them :o)
We used to get one at work who used to come in through the cage and through the door, he used to pick up crumbs from outside the bakery and eventually getting fed from under one of the warehouse shelves.
On time he got onto shopfloor and we had to open the fire exits to try and get him out, but he seemed to be having too much fun exploring!
We had that little guy for years but there was never a mate or offspring with him...