Short film of bird rehab center in TX

I am posting a link to this beautiful film about the Rogers Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Texas on YouTube. It's a 5:33 look at these wonderful people who take in birds and either rehabilitate and release them, or keep the birds that can't live on their own.

Warning: When she removes the Barn Owls from their cages they screech very loudly so please watch your volume level.  =O)

Please enjoy:


Chicago, Cook County, Illinois

  • Lovely film Caerann - many thanks for sharing it.


    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 29/09/2009 06:46 in reply to Squirrel

    Hi Caerann

    Fabulous thought pervoking film to make us all ponder about our loved 'wild' birds.

    I have to say that all the work doing so much to preserve wild birds goes without saying,  I am in awe as to how much time has been spent to get injured birds back on the road to recovery.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us {thumbs up}


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi Caerann

    Thank you so much for sharing - I am quite moved and my respect increases ever more for the people who carry out such wonderful work.   The grackle really affected me...with anger that someone could do such a horrendous thing.

  • Squirrel B said:

    Lovely film Caerann - many thanks for sharing it.


    I'm very happy you enjoyed it, Squirrel.      =O)

  • Nicki C said:

    Hi Caerann

    Fabulous thought pervoking film to make us all ponder about our loved 'wild' birds.

    I have to say that all the work doing so much to preserve wild birds goes without saying,  I am in awe as to how much time has been spent to get injured birds back on the road to recovery.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us {thumbs up}


    Kathy and Dave

    It's so nice to hear from you again, Kathy and Dave.  I'm glad you enjoyed the film. I think we all need to be reminded from time to time that there are people out there doing good things for the world.   =O)

  • Unknown said:

    Hi Caerann

    Thank you so much for sharing - I am quite moved and my respect increases ever more for the people who carry out such wonderful work.   The grackle really affected me...with anger that someone could do such a horrendous thing.

    I share your feelings on that Kezmo, but I take heart that someone found that grackle and then 2 weeks later she was free again because people cared about her. I also was very moved by the poor Greated Horned Owl caught in the barbed wire, but again am glad someone found it rather than it dying in such a cruel way.

    If by chance you watch again, you may catch at 4:52-4:56 what appears to be a bond between the hawk and Miss Rogers, as the bird is holding her finger in it's beak. Such a simple but moving gesture.  =O)