Peregrine Falcon online viewing in Lincoln Nebraska

To anyone currently online at 12:23 p.m. Chicago, Illinois time, there is an adult Peregrine Falcon sitting on the capitol building nest in Lincoln Nebraska. Go to:

for either updated still photos or a live video feed.



Chicago, Cook County Illinois

  • Hi Caerann

    Welcome to the RSPB Forum and enjoy!

    I love your Peregrin Falcon Cam .  He/she looks very high up ihn that building at the moment.

    Thank you for sharing, and I will be looking at this web cam as much as possible

    Can you give us more details as to the history of these birds?


    Kathy and Dave

    Caerann said:

    To anyone currently online at 12:23 p.m. Chicago, Illinois time, there is an adult Peregrine Falcon sitting on the capitol building nest in Lincoln Nebraska. Go to:

    for either updated still photos or a live video feed.



    Chicago, Cook County Illinois



  • Hello Kathy Dave and everyone and thank you all for your warm welcome. Actually, I happened upon the Peregrine Cam by accident because of seeing photos from a related American Kestrel Cam on another birder forum. By the time I heard about the Kestrel cam the chicks had already fledged, as had the Peregrines, however, I have seen Peregrine activity on that Lincoln NE cam over the past week usually in late mornings or early afternoons local time.  I really enjoy catching the action before these beautiful birds start their migration southward, whenever that will be. Being a bit new to birding, I'm still learning which birds migrate, when and to what region.

    I know in Minnesota there is an active Osprey cam up and running where the chick(s) still visit the nest during the day. The site also caches daily photos for viewing at a later time which is ideal for you folks in different parts of the world. If you are interested I'd be glad to post to URL so you can watch the Osprey prior to their migration which I'm guessing will not be too far off now. 



    Chicago, Cook County Illinois