Sooty Falcon cam, Red Sea


CarnyxWild (run by Peter Dobson, who covered Loch Garten Ospreys for so many years and still does Clywedog and has a number of interesting cams including sea birds)... have recently set up this cam somewhere in Arabia.  I shouldn't be covering this on a daily basis, but we'll see how disciplined I can be.

The Sooty Falcon's features are similar to that of a Peregrine but not the plumage.  I see that the wiki compares it more to a Hobby.  Some of the vocals are much trillier and chirpier than Peregrines', IMHO.

26 August

Adjusting the cam, with parents protesting in the background:


01 Sep

Breakfast - only a few feathers drifting as evidence, until Mama takes it into the scrape - but it's rather dark in there:

04 September

A preen right up to the cam, but out of focus:

07 September

Bits 'n pieces:


  • .

    I've been wondering why there's only one eyas - well, I happened to check the Chat today and someone asked the question and was told that one had been predated on 01 September... and Peter Dobson of Carnyx archives his live streams so I was able to go back and find it and record it.

    Long, I hadn't the heart to cut it - and Mama was very interesting, looking totally incompetent but in fact digging a little dip so that the surviving eyas could roll over more easily.

    BTW - I thought at first that the predator was a Pied Wagtail Astonished but found out that it was a Great Grey Shrike.

    01 September