Link to January 2022 to end of February 2023 thread
Live stream from North Fambridge, Essex:
In 2022, four Barn Owlets, deemed to be 3 females and 1 male (the youngest), successfully fledged.
Here they are at their ringing day on 7.7.22
Hopefully, the resident pair will successfully breed in the nest box again this season.
She's playing statues again
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
It was a very long stare wasn't it, Wendy, I blinked first! lol
Did catch some movement earlier, but not a lot!
She's calling
Up until this point she had called six times
She preened for over 7 minutes, now resting
I must go for a screen break. BFN
The female is still on her own
Finally moved away from that position to preen
Watching and waiting
WendyBartter said:Wonder where he is?
Morning Wendy (and Kate),
Still very much around, hopefully...
Think the Mrs has just arrived!