Link to January 2022 to end of February 2023 thread
Live stream from North Fambridge, Essex:
In 2022, four Barn Owlets, deemed to be 3 females and 1 male (the youngest), successfully fledged.
Here they are at their ringing day on 7.7.22
Hopefully, the resident pair will successfully breed in the nest box again this season.
WendyBartter said:
Was here for just over two minutes
Oh that's fabulous, Wendy! It was good to see his right eye slightly open. Thanks ever so much
ENS at present however, there is a pic on chat showing the male resting in the box at 20:37 this evening
The female has come in just as I was about to sign off
She was still there when I checked but had flown when I looked again 05.57
The female is back in this evening
After spending her time resting, she exited the box
I'm off for a screen break. BBS
Well, that's a surprise, the box was empty not too long ago when I checked! Both in
The female just left
Well hello :)