Finally after 2 years we have a nest box resident

Finally after being very patient for the last two years we have a very busy visitor to one of our nest boxes.

Very determined and having seen off starlings a few times, she is making great progress with her nest.

Catch a glimpse here on the stream and daily timelapse

  • SLSussexbyTheSea said:

    Finally after being very patient for the last two years we have a very busy visitor to one of our nest boxes.

    Very determined and having seen off starlings a few times, she is making great progress with her nest.

    Catch a glimpse here on the stream and daily timelapse

    I'm sorry someone had to tag a spam reply to your post, but on a happier note, lovely videos and nice to see the blue tit getting busy sorting the nest out. Your two year wait will hopefully be fully rewarded with watching the chicks hatch out and grow.  Thumbsup

    Please do post follow up links  on the nestbox.