Link to 2021 thread
Live stream:
As with the 2020 season, barn owls did not use the box for breeding in 2021, will this year be different?
In answer to that question, yes!
9 eggs laid: Incubation period is 30-31 days
1st chick - 21.5.21 2nd chick - 23.5.22 3rd chick - 24.5.22 4th chick - 26.5.22 5th chick - 29.5.22 6th chick - 2.6.22 7th chick - ??? 8th chick - 5.6.22
Its a shame there is no hard drive to store the footage collected, or it could be interesting to look back.
If interested, there may be some CCTV HD's that could be wired in. They would wipe footage after normally 28 days and record fresh files to you don't have to clear old files and have the ability to look back if required.
Flickr: Peak Rambler
A YouTube streaming service would be beneficial, at least then we could scroll through day/overnight footage to see what has occurred.
Looks like the lens has been wiped over and cobwebs removed at some point today?
Someone's been in the box within the past hour and a half
Edit: There's a pic of one of the BOs in the box just before 19:00 which was posted on the 'chat' under the live steaming
20:10 Female in and calling. Male heard her...mating!
His right eye looks ok here
Some allopreening
His right eye closed?
Female left the box
The male resting
Back to resting
21:00 Male calling then did his 'stompy' dance
She heard him and entered the box
21:09 Female had left again
21:22 Close ups of the male. I wonder why he keeps his right eye closed?
Prior to him leaving
Will check back later