New thread ready for first pic of 2019!
2018 thread here:
Very pleased to add this link to a heart-warming story from BOT which Sandra has posted in main thread but will, of course, disappear very quickly ...
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Sandra P said:
There were two mating attempts - one at 19:01 on the tray, the other at 19:10 in the nestbox.
I am extremely crestfallen about our situation with these lovely owls, and, contrarily, wondering when they're going to cut off cos I think my planned commemoration is now in the bin.
Here is the video covering SANDRA's description above on 17 March:
Scylla wrote wondering when they're going to cut off cos I think my planned commemoration is now in the bin." As my last post, all cams not functioning......
Looks like it Kate :( I took this at 8:27 this morning, my PP is showing a frozen pic of her in the exact same pose now as I hadn't closed down. When opening a new PP page, there is a 'failed to connect to server' message
Sandra P said:19:50/19:51 A second owl flew in, onto tray. The one on the front beam moved to the tray (right in scap), lots of screeching and a bit of a set to in the air (not friendly!). Both flew off but one came back in to the front beam, tray, left again
The incident, with sound added, just up to when one is behind the box:
Haha, I forgot to add the video - it seems there's no-one here to watch it any more, so... heyho :-/
Sorry chaps, I've spent about the last couple of hours producing those 2 measly videos from SANDRA's reports, the sound one took ages cos it was in a 13-hour clip and was difficult to synch.
I see that my downloads stopped @ 10:00. Oh how very sad, just as they might make a successful breeding pair.
Love you all! We shall not be parted :-*
Thank you Scylla for the final two vids x It's been wonderful sharing the CBO's 'fortunes' with you all over the past 3/4 years. See you around on the other CFs