New thread ready for first pic of 2019!
2018 thread here:
Very pleased to add this link to a heart-warming story from BOT which Sandra has posted in main thread but will, of course, disappear very quickly ...
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
There were two mating attempts - one at 19:01 on the tray, the other at 19:10 in the nestbox. They'd both left the barn by 19:19
I'll only report anything that is significant now Kate :) Looks like the male still has some work to do to achieve successful mating!
21:42 One flown in from the exit, front beam
22:30 Still on the beam EN Goodnight
one in box
18:02 She came out of the nestbox to the tray at 17:39. She's now on the left side
18:33 Back into the box, breaking up pellets
18:38 Out to the tray
18:54 To the middle beam
20:50 Both in, one on the tray, the other to the left of it
21:13 The one on the tray flew to the exit
21:21 Moved from the left to the tray
21:26 It had gone, I didn't see which direction it went but there was chirpling/screeching