I'm very happy to say that the stunning pair of ravens who built a nest on a fire escape at Wellesley College last year have returned for a second season! They are incubating three eggs.
Feast your eyes on this:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Yes much more steady than before. :) And taller! I like how they keep their beaks half open "just in case"...
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
They will get much taller than this!
I haven't seen any sign of sibling aggression - let's hope that continues.
Here we go again:
I wish I had that jaw power when I've had procedures at the dentist. Mine gets tired really easily. :-/
Thought you might like to see a recent drawing I did of ravens.
Wow - that's great! Why can't I draw?
You can.
It just takes many years of doing again and again, which itself requires an irresistible desire. It is a fallacy that it is all talent. Many have a greater desire and more ability than me.
But thank you Clare. I am always shy to display my "creative" stuff. Self esteem needs work...
Could you please display more of your creative stuff? I've read what you've said about talent but the fact remains you've got a lot more than me.