I'm very happy to say that the stunning pair of ravens who built a nest on a fire escape at Wellesley College last year have returned for a second season! They are incubating three eggs.
Feast your eyes on this:
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
That's a good pic showing the eggs, a little smaller than I would have expected but I have just been looking at Peregrine eggs!
Will be good to see hatching of these, never seen Raven chicks before
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
Last year she only laid two and only one of them hatched - the Wellesley staff think she's a young bird as a raven typically lays five eggs. I hope we get three successful hatchings.
Fingers firmly crossed!
The nest will get very small, very quickly!!
I'm off to bed - good night!
Me too, sleep well!
That fluff was deep in the raven nest last year, too. To me, it looks like the lint that collects from the exhaust of a tumble dryer. LOL! I wonder if the college has a laundry nearby.
I have no idea, Diane - I'm particularly stumped that she seems to be nibbling it.
It all looks very peaceful at the moment:
It's getting lighter:
Morning, all! With all the goings-on in Ospreyland yesterday I couldn't find time to cover this nest! Let's hope today will be calmer.
Pauline is laying peacefully:
The only thing bothering me slightly is that I've yet to see both adults together - a year ago Henry was sleeping next to the nest. I hope they are both OK.