I caught the tail end of this last night documenting the battles between neighbours who love and loathe the Leyland Cypress or Lleylandii. Some interesting people and situations featured, might be worth a watch. Be warned they feature a chap from Yorkshire with naturist tendencies...
It's available to watch on i-player here.
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
We have lleylandii in our garden ands hate it, never mind what the neighbours think lol It's coming down this year and we can get another 8 foot or so of useable space added to our garden!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Interesting programme last night, def love em or hate em. None anywhere near us :-)
Was quite impressed by the double row hedge in Kent + some really wonderful specimens but boy do you need a big garden Lol!!
'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks' John Muir.
Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!
We inherited a row of tall Lleylandii along one side of our garden when we moved in. They seem to be quite useless for wildlife, nothing much ever went in them even though they were quite big. Same thing with all the other conifers in the garden. We've had them all removed now.
Very interesting programme Ian. I do believe if they are kept low and trimmed on a regular basis they can be attractive. We have three in the garden behind us which were over 20ft tall, along came the BT men and took 10 ft off them because they were touching the overhead telephone cables. They have all been trimmed now and are neat and tidy. Have to say the Blackbirds use them all the time, perhaps thats why we have had up 20 Blackbirds in the garden at any one time. trouble is people just let them grow like weeds wide AND high.I do sympathise with folks who have them within 6 ft of their boundary, stopping light. Fortunately we have very obliging neighbours.
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Our next door neighbour has a full hedge of Leylandii along the bottom of her garden that are 20feet high. At any time of the year other than June or July the sun disappears behind them round about 5pm and my South facing garden is completely shaded
Best wishes Chris
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