The wonder of weeds tonight (wed 22 June) BBC4 9.00pm
Exploring the relationship between humans and 'weeds', (or the wildflowers that grow where humans don't want them to!), should be worth a watch!
Warden Intern at Otmoor.
Thanks for that Ian! Shall definitely watch that one!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
It was excellent! Thoroughly enjoyed it!
If you'd seen my garden, you'd realise that every weed has its place!
Oh mine too! I've more 'wild' than cultivated plants! That's for sure! :-)
I have a balance of both, my garden is for the bees, bugs and birds!
Hi Ian
I loved this programme and it was well worth a watch.- even for Saturday night viewing.
The programme was presented in such as way a person can see weeds as a pain, but they soften up to see that weeds have a place in our world, and they do as we all know deep in our own hearts,
Worth a watch or two anyday
Kathy and Dave
hi there
This is the link for the 'weeds' programme