Hi all,

As some of you may know, I have had a dream come true of late in being made an RSPB Minsmere Volunteer Guide. As a volunteer I was also rewarded an opportunity to go on to the after show programme, Springwatch Unsprung.

This happened last night. The audience (including myself and my friend Tim) arrived and were briefed in the new Discovery Centre. During the briefing we were asked if anyone had a good Bittern story. Both myself and Tim raised our hands (with a few others doing so) and we all gave our account. The producer said that there was possibly a chance that Nick Baker will choose one of the stories and speak to that person. We all then were taken to the BBC Springwatch Village and we watched the show. about 10 minutes from the end we all moved up to where the Cabin is. It was explained that there is a mad dash during the short 20 second interlude from the main programme to the red button Unsprung and if anyone saw the weather last night, well we all looked like drowned rats, But sure enough we rushed into the studio and lined up ready for the show. In walked Nick Baker the Unsprung was off and running.

What happens in the first 4 minutes of the programme will stay with me for the rest of my life. So I ask you, please. Click the link attached and enjoy.


Please feel free to comment after :)

Kind regards

Chappers (and the Wife.)

'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.


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  • Chappers, awesome!  How lovely of them to pick you out first.  I imagine you'll never forget that.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Wow, what a brilliant opportunity. Well done to you, one to tell the grandchildren


    I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...


  • Saw TJ's post that you had 'aired' on SU & as I hadn't been able to see it on the night I called it up on iPlayer ... So nice to see you & hear about your Bittern story!  Although I did not post at the time, just wanted to say how inspirational I found your personally revealing story the other day & so pleased that you are now well & happy & enjoying your family & life in general!!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Nice to put a face to a name. Congratulations. Cheers Pat

    Pat Adams - Flickr - BLOG

  • your a star now Chappers



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • With such beautiful photography, Ray, wasn't he always a star?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi all,

    Thankyou for all the kind comments. What has happened in the last few weeks is something that will live with me for forever. The fact that I have been made a RSPB Minsmere guide and then my personal story put into a blog on here was one things. To end up on telly on Unusprung was totally another. I have been on the reserve today for a morning session of guiding, and visitors were coming up to me who recognized me from the programme. Very weird feeling. One such family even asked me to have their picture taken with me! WHAT!

    Madness at present. I'm on the reserve tomorrow. God only knows what will happen. I am in a truly wonderful place in my life.

    Thankyou for all the support over the years on here. Its the likes of all of you that comment that carried me along and gave me confidence to drive for better results.

    It is you guys and girls that are really the stars.

    Kind regards

    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.


  • Sounds like it's a little bit surreal at present!  Must remember to ask you for an autograph if I see you :-)

    Mind you, wandering round with the big lens last weekend, a couple of people asked me if I was filming with the BBC.  I tried to claim I was Gordon Buchanan, but my Suffolk accent gave me away :-)


    Find me on Flickr / All about your camera - The Getting off Auto Index

  • Star of the small screen! But PLEASE stop referring to 'The Wife'- you even did it on the show! How about 'My Wife', better still 'My Darling Wife', or even 'The Boss'?! :)

  • Well done from me too Chappers (and the Wife) I missed that episode the other night otherwise I'd have been shouting at my hubby, I know that name from the Forum!!!   I hope you have your dark glasses ready, you never know when you'll be recognised now. lol

    Lot to learn

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