WINTERWATCH - Log your log pile stories here.

Wow! How fascinating was that article on log piles. So many wonderful creepy crawlies. I'm amazed at how many eggs slugs lay!!! Do you have a log pile? Have you been inspired to build one? Let us know.

  • Evening Mrs.T,   I haven't had chance to view Winterwatch tonight but will catch up with it later.  Sounds interesting with the log piles.    I was talking with Higgy about creating something similar but using 17 large slices of Oak trunk that we kept after a dead Oak was cut down to 15ft. in our garden.   We plan to make a Stumpery, adding ferns, spring planting with dwarf Tulips, Tete-a-Tete, Primroses, Anemone, Pulmonaria etc., and trying to incorporate a water reservoir (maybe use a wooden barrel with pond liner ! ) for the birds/wildlife;  only at  " tons of ideas level "  yet until springtime when we can get cracking.   I also have a few logs/branches set to one side which we may be able to add to the area too.  


    Regards, Hazel 

  • My log pile is a work in progress. I have yet to identify all the different spiders in it, but its fascinating to see them tippy-toeing about.

  • Nature sure is fascinating,  there are a lot more creatures out there that we don't always see but are lurking in the undergrowth !  Will be interesting to see how many different spiders you have Mrs. T.  but be glad you are not living in Australia  lol


    Regards, Hazel