The photo says it all. Caught on camera in the apple tree today.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Gee thanks, Sparrow, now we are all going to be arrested for looking at porn on the internet!
Great photo, though. They are such beautiful birds.
Oh no! And I'm looking at work too! ;)
A closed mouth gathers no foot.
They do naughty things on my fence too
Of all creatures, man is the most detestable, he is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. ~ Mark Twain
Oh but Maisie that's no excuse! You must have seen the title after all! ;-) Lol!
Great pic Sparrow! Although the poor things ought to have a little more privacy!! ;-)
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
hi Sparrow
Wow that is the 'birds and the bees' in Paramount Picture
Great picture and I like the way you have got the doves doing what comes naturally
Kathy and Dave
I did wonder if taking the photo, never mind posting it on the internet, was abusing their privacy rights, but if they will do it in full view of my office window it serves them right!
Great photo Sparrow.
Someone I know commented that one pair of her collared doves had been "at it" for four days. My responses were (in no particular order, as PS says on Dancing On Ice):-
That's disgusting
That's impressive
What, non-stop?
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
LOL Squirrel,
I have to say, mine were "at it" just long enough for me to press the shutter button. So perhaps I could add to your list:
Drunk again.
Lovely photo, Sparrow. At least with Collared Doves it's not just wham bang thank you mam; they do stay together and always appear quite affectionate.
My Flickr Photostream
Hi Sparrow
Great photo - they look cute don't they but obviously "bashful" is not a word in their vocabulary.
I had two doves sitting side by side in the apple tree the other day, obviously a pair, the male was so close that it looked like he had his wing laying across the female's back as if he was cuddling her - it was so cute. She looked to be dozing (say no more!)