A surprise capture!

It isn't a question, so apologies if it's the wrong forum but didn't know where else I could post this really!

Spent 2 weeks in Cornwall at the beginning of the month (Sept). Had a fab time with mixed weather, but plenty of wildlife! (Some pics in the galleries).

My most surprising shot however was of a magpie! I had been wanting to capture a magpie for some time now. Although they are abundant, they aren't particularly easy to get close to (or at least the ones I see aren't!!)! I saw this one near Holywell Bay and stopped the group I was with to get a picture. I thought he'd caught a worm in the sand dunes, so was most surprised to see when I looked at the picture to see that it was in fact a lizard!! Was pleased to have caught the moment!

"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

My photos on Flickr