Seal watching boat trip from Harwich

Having lived just across the estuary from Harwich for nearly twenty-two years it came as a surprise to learn that not only was there a breeding colony of common seals nearby but also regular boat trips out to see them.  Limpy and I lost no time in booking our places and, on a sunny Friday a few weeks ago, off we went!

Ha'penny Pier in Harwich is clearly a popular hanging-out spot:

An inquisitive young starling

A beautifully patterned feral pigeon

After setting out from the pier it became obvious that we weren't the only ones who thought it was a good day for boating:

I love seeing sailing boats and this one really stood out from the busy Port of Felixstowe.

It didn't take us too long to reach Hamford Water NNR, where our cameras promptly went into overdrive:

We were told that deposits in the mud gave the seals their varying (and temporary) colours.

It was joyful to see so many of the seals with young!

Nothing like a nice swim.


We didn't just see seals, though:

A beautiful curlew

A noisy oystercatcher.

All too soon it was time to return to Harwich - yup, time for more boats:

This useful service runs between Felixstowe, Harwich and Shotley.

Felixstowe still operates a roll-on, roll-off terminal for these ships.

The local pilot service

The RNLI Albert Brown.  Don't they do a fantastic job?

Finishing with the Gloria, the boat we went out in.  What a great time we had!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Clare,
    You've inspired us to book our own Harwich Seal trip in a couple of weeks time and we also found a good trip on the Blackwater out of Maldon. It's a 12hr barge trip with Top Sail Charters, 7am to 7pm on October 14th, so the start and end of the trip includes sunrise and sunset. It also has someone from Swallow birding on board for bird ID.
    Best Wishes,
  • Hi Clare,
    I should have said we were so impressed by the Barge trip on the Blackwater we've actually booked ourselves on to it.