Bird Art + Photography Magazine

Was wondering if anyone else has come across this new quarterly magazine.

Thought that some of you might really enjoy seeing what todays wildlife photographers are producing + finding out how they achieve these brilliant results. I've also noticed that there are a few of us dabbling in art, so that was what I've been particullarly looking at.

The 5th issue is out now, with a fantastic photo of a pair of  Great Crested Grebes. I've been able to buy this + the last issue when visiting the SOC HQ's. It isn't available everywhere, you can get it via the internet etc if you have'nt come across it already. It is quite dear for its nos of pages but I've really been enjoying them. I am defenately learning from seeing all the different wildlife artists + how they get to the end result!!

Now my wee one is growing up I'm looking to (perhaps) get started with my own art work.

Hope you enjoy!!

'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!