In a Scottish country garden

Hi all, I'd like to offer a bit of background to this thread, if I may? We moved back to central, rural Scotland from S Wales in 2022 and have been adapting to but loving the solitude and quiet that has brought but, for me, it's the wildlife, the birds. We are SO lucky to have birds visiting the garden that I'd hoped I might see here. Now I see most of them daily so, I have a "few" photos taken from my den, (wee box room) where I look out directly at an Ash tree and our feeders. 

So, I'd like to share some of those images here, I hope that works or is the way it's done?

September 1st 2024

As an example, as I typed this, I spotted a wee bird landing at the base of the tree, turned out to be a young Robin. Robins are a less frequent visitor so I was up and grabbing a few shots when an adult shot in and chased it off!! Typical. 

This morning, my mood was totally lifted by the first (as far as I know) visit of a wee flock of Long-tailed Tits AND, a couple stood still long enough to photograph! Bonus Smile

Set September off nicely. Thumbsup


I don't think I've had such clear shots before, they're usually at dawn or dusk and in a hurry!

Really pleased to get these shots, I'm sure there will be more, they come through more often as the weather changes. 

  • Anyway, I hope you don't mind an introduction to the other birds we get around us.

    I'm always happy to see what wildlife are around the UK, and it's nice to see people appreciate what's in their locality, along with their visits to reserves, local  or distant countryside (inc outside the UK).

  • I've noticed a couple of images not displaying properly but I'm not going to edit again .... in case, when I click on the symbol, the image opens anyway Thinking

    They all seem to be showing clearly here.

    It may be the server needs a little more time to upload and process the images, taking into account the server will be scanning for rogue files, like viruses, phishing and other files that can steal valuable data.

    I'll add to that, until very recently, accessing the community pages at the start of the month (often for periods lasting between 24-72 hrs) has been fraught with access issues due to end of month data uploads by the host. Thankfully that seems to be a thing we're not currently seeing.

  • Beautiful birds and photos


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Very nice again, and lots of them.

  • It's one of those rare mornings up here where the sun is shining right from the moment it rose over the horizon and still is! I can feel a walk coming on. Meanwhile, outside the window, the new feeder stands seem to have made it through yesterday's high wind, which is nice for the 'peckers Slight smile

    Good morning all Wave hope it's a good day with you Thumbsup

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