Bird Photography of the Year 2023

Just seen this article..... Wow!

Bird Photography of the Year Pictures

  • might just put the camera away when 11 year olds are producing such stunning pieces

    Please don't do it Caroline, we all love to see your pics!

    cause any one of any age can be a good photographer that could well be one of the reasons those kids have produced very very good photos. 
    And there’s all sorts of factors that make a good photo and those are considered in competitions 

    it doesn’t matter what anyones age or skill level is anyone can be a good photographer and if your already good you only risk becoming even better.

     in life people learn and grow this happens to people regardless of weather there beginners, intermediate, or exspert you can look back and see how far you have come and You were good then and now your even better 

     if these kids continue imagine how good there photos will be considering there brilliant enough already.

    the Wildlife photographers here in the community are very good and I wouldn’t be surprised if they won a competition too cause of this and there only going to get better weather they realise it or not 

    we learn and grow in our skills. When I see these kids photos I see a good example that anyone is capable of anything if they put there mind to it. And even if it makes youv feell like there’s no way you will ever be as good as that. if a kid can anyone can as long as they believe in themselfs 

    I know kids are producing such stunning Wildlife peices  that you might just put your camara away  now

    but I hope you don’t just like Wendy cause you take very good photos just like all the other members.  and like I said a few days ago your photos are good so keep doing  what you do in other words keep at it 

  • Zo Clark said:

    Cheshire Lad said:

    Dream on Cheshire Lad,  you'll never achieve it.....

    Jealous, definitely, but fabulous photos.

    yes there definitely very good photos the kids did.  If you say you’ll never achieve it you may not do but if you have faith in yourself and keep doing what you do then you could well achieve a photo as good as that in your own way one day 

    Lots of people here are very good photographers so I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them Win a Wildlife photo competition one day like the kids did  if your good at taking pictures like everyone else   that could well be you one day too if you keep it up aswell like Germain. If they can do it so can you 

    Thank you Zo for those kind words.  Thumbsup

    As the old three P's say

    • Practice
    • Perseverance
    • Patience



  • Unknown said:

    Zo Clark said:

    Cheshire Lad said:

    Dream on Cheshire Lad,  you'll never achieve it.....

    Jealous, definitely, but fabulous photos.

    yes there definitely very good photos the kids did.  If you say you’ll never achieve it you may not do but if you have faith in yourself and keep doing what you do then you could well achieve a photo as good as that in your own way one day 

    Lots of people here are very good photographers so I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them Win a Wildlife photo competition one day like the kids did  if your good at taking pictures like everyone else   that could well be you one day too if you keep it up aswell like Germain. If they can do it so can you 

    Thank you Zo for those kind words.  

    As the old three P's say

    • Practice
    • Perseverance
    • Patience

    Thats ok. Anytime.  it’s funny how they all begin with p and end in e. the peregrine begins with p and ends in e aswell  although its 200 mph is in a stoop dive. not implying we can fly. Obviously not all birds begin with p and end in e though 

  • Photographs don't need to be 'pretty'. But they can convey a message.

    The title of the photo possibly reflects the photographer's view that H. sapiens is waging war on nature.

    Turtle doves are a migrant species that transits through Malta. And turtle doves are becoming rarer. Somehow I think that's the photographer's message.
  • Yes they dont need  to be and they (can) convey messages 
     a photo is an image. and Images can convey messages images take other  forms aswell like art work for example photos are just another form of an image that can convey messages. so yes photos can do. 

    The title of the photo possibly reflects the photographer's view that H. sapiens is waging war on nature.

    I don’t know I didn’t see that title but maybe.  I found it interesting they have quotes under there photos it’s quiet interesting to think about  what message it trying to convey if you put both the image and quote together 

    Turtle doves are a migrant species that transits through Malta. And turtle doves are becoming rarer. Somehow I think that's the photographer's message.

     Could be.  as for the turtle doves becoming rarer. Yes there declining very very fast 

    This is what the RSPB are doing about it

    and in May this came out 

    a temporary moratorium on shooting turtle doves along their migration route across Spain, France and portugal this year

    So people are trying to do things about it but yes turtle doves (are) declineing very fast 

  • I viewed the photos via an alternate link to entrants. Which (seemingly) gave the photographers' titles to their pictures.

    Hence the other title of "Corpse Cliff".

    The photographer's play on the photo title of was quite likely the t-shirt that the Maltese person with a gun was happening to be wearing. "Don't make war".

    Direct link to the image. - Conservation.jpg