Wildlife Humor

one day it was a very windy day And there was lots of Red kites flying around just not the kind I was looking for. so no Red Kites. but never mind

they didn’t exactly have the right tail either and they were completely the wrong shape Aswell and it didn’t fly right

not only did it not fly right it didn’t have the right profile  for a bird of prey either for that matter  it didn’t have any feathers or a hooked beak or talons or wings and In exchange for legs it was held by a string 

one day I was out somewhere and a family member who knows I like Wildlife who tells me if they see a bird of prey was exited and said I saw a kite! In a exited tone of voice   and I said really? Where?  So I looked around and they said a Red Kite I’m going to get one from the shop and I was like oh 

one day someone told me someone was flying a kite so I said what is there a falconer flying a bird of prey what bird of prey is it is it a red kite? and they said no a kite on a string 

 they did get red  kites and there was talk about the (other) red kite my family saw aswell as the actual red kites Just to confuse me even more 




  • Have been reported here in SW Devon. Although i have not seen any.
  • Unknown said:
    Have been reported here in SW Devon. Although i have not seen any.

    I can’t say weather Iv seen any there aswell or not cause I havnt been to Devon since I was 12 now but I have been to other places. Yes they are doing better than they did a long time ago when they used to be more common in wales. Its still there stronghold but they can be found elsewhere now aswell a few places I know they can be seen in Gloucestershire in the Cotswolds and they can also be seen near Reading not only have I seen them in those places but when I sent photos to my county recorder it was confirmed by my County Recorder who happens to be in charge of a raptor Group that there is a population in the Cotswolds Gloucestershire and Near Reading but also said there is a population in the chilterns he didn’t give me exact locations for those places  though. 

    I think it’s exiteing that there more common now but it now means that When someone says they have seen a Red kite you now have to ask what they mean rather than get too exited and exspect to see a Red Kite for sure cause it could be either of those.  

    but it does mean you can tell funny storys and joke about it cause Its one of those birds that has a name that also means something else at the same time so these things can happen sometimes 

  • Iv added my joke post I hope all members and non members in the community both old and new enjoy the humor and enjoy the joke post I made and any new ones I send aswell

  • i thought this might be fitting for the thread cause it is humorous 

    I was doing some drawing And the way it turned out I started to think this bird has been to the gym 

    I didnt know it was going to turn out this way so I though it was funny 

    I don’t know about you but I doubt much birds  are going to want to challenge this fella for territory or anything else for that matter 

  • I did another funny  iv never seen watchful birds in a box floating ontop of another box before Exspeacially with one on top of the others head but let me know if you do

  • I don’t know how the birds got them self’s into this mess but you know the saying

    think before you flap
  • If I come up with any other humour il add them to this thread if anyone else has any Wildlife humor  too feel free to add them 

  • So a funny story happened today. I went to the canal for 5 minutes to see if there’s any birds and then I switched my camara on and took a photo and it said no memory card in big bright white writeing

    I forgot I took it out of the camara to transfer to the smartphone so that photo I took at the canal vanished into thin air 

    All I can say is at least I have (my) memory the only problem is I can’t transfer my memory to the camara to share with everyone

    but never mind