In the Garden

A few photo's taken through the window.

Collard Dove:


Black-Headed Gull:

Great Tit:



House Sparrows:

  • A Woodpigeon sitting in the hail yesterday:

  • A thought it was about time I shared my weather with you lol..woodies are tough as old boots ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I wondered how long before someone commented on the weather Linda Grinning We had a couple of hail storms yesterday...

  • Lol..I went out to my summerhouse in my slippers with a cuppa tea..ended up there for an hour waiting on rain and hail to stop 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • 2 Hedgehogs leaving the garden:

  • You just teasing us now SM...says I need to be signed in to flickr to see both vids.... INDEED I WILL NOT RoflRoflRofl

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Same here SM and am not a flickr member any more ... too flippin' expensive!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • A fox entering via the hedgehog hole and leaving via the hedge...:

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