Spiders share your photos here

I think since Spiders are also interesting and fascinating creatures with there intricate webs and everything I think  they deserve a forum of there own aswell.  If you get any photos Of Spiders you can share your photos here if you would like to

  • Waiting in there tunnel webs to hunt 

    aparantly theres lots of them in the garden more than 5 some across the fence and some next to the door usually not noticed during the day cause they sit inside waiting for prey  or stay in the tunnel. Other spiders tend to be quiet timid and run away and hide  aswell but one of the common ways these guys run away is they run into there tunnel.

    they are out of it and you acidently scare them by making sudden movements  they will resort to run and hide in there tunnel If they are hideing deep in there tunnel web and they detect or sense something fly and land which could be anything an insect etc  at the spot  in front of the entrance even if it isn’t prey then they might run out thinking it was prey only to find it was something else iv seen them do this before If something flys down heading or land directly in front of there tunnel web.  once they realise there mistake they run back in and wait. When there out of there tunnel they don’t usually mind there photo taken as long as you don’t make any sudden movements or scare them or anything.

    There hunting strategy is to wait in there tunnel webs for unsuspecting prey then come out and catch them. Different species of spiders have different hunting techniques 

  • It's not a particularly exciting one, but there's a big spider hiding in my gas meter box. It's a good job my daughter no longer lives at home, or I'd be forced to evict it!!


  • The previous picture was taken with my phone, so I took another one with my proper camera and it's a lot clearer

  • That would a species of spider called the house spider. Theres 3 types of house spiders in the uk theres a species of house spider that is smaller than the giant house spider and is also found in houses the 2nd species is the giant house spider. Which one you have in your house depends on where you live. in Yorkshire and Lancashire northwards both species can be found and can be found anywhere but the east west split in the south breaks down. And interestingly where both species overlap they can sometimes hybridise
    The giant house spider can be found in central England and the east . The small house spider can we found in the west the Forest of Dean and wales and Cornwall border and then both species of house spiders overlap along Severn vale, Bristol, and Gloucestershire and then continues northwards up towards Scotland
    Cause you say it’s large Its probably unlikely to be the small house spider your house spider is likely the giant house spider

    The 3rd species of house spider is rare in most of Britian but locally very common in and around Newcastle upon Tyne.

    Back to giant house spiders despite there size there completely harmless and are commonly found in houses and buildings. There also fast runners Running up to half a meter per second but are timid by nature and can be found in all sorts of places in the house but tend to keep to thenselfs.

    Those are very good pictures
  • Wasp spiders evolved to mimic wasps so are very distinctive and unlikely to be mistaken for spiders like the house spider that evolved to camaflauge with its surroundings 

    For identification purposes this is what they look like and heres Some interesting infomation 

    Observation tips and habitat and diet 

          Appearance and visual identification 

    Uk distribution and status

  • I just assumed it was a house spider. It's leg spread is about 2 inches from front to back, so big enough for me.