Crustaceans and /Sea life Wildlife 2022 and 2023

I figured we could include Crustaceans. And  Wildlife we take pictures of that live at sea Sea Life  Exspeacially  in the summer 

I saw this Woodlose near my pond a few days ago. Just chilling out on the stone around my pond

  • Im not usually able to go to the beach unless I visit someone who lives there or unless I go to Brighton which is usually only once a year and I don’t think I’m going this year. Or unless I go on Holiday. Usually im not able to go to the beach until the Summer. To make the title more understandable Crustaceans.  and Wildlife that live in the sand or in the water. I think it would make a nice forum. If anyone does have any photos of sea life you can send some aswell

  • I just had to add these. I havnt seen Awuatic Wild animals like this kind for a very long time not to mention animals as different looking as these ones that can  live in the sand and under water 

    this is a Mediterranean species called Mediterranean Fanworm 

  • Couldn’t help but add these from when I last went. 
    Not from today but couldn’t help sending some crabs 

    Red Clawed Rock Crab

  • Enjoy what you do Zo, and you do a fabulous job.

    A phrase that has been banded around for a while now, one I came across after my accident back in 2015, where after major lower leg reconstruction, I had to relearn how to live and enjoy life, is: "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

    I used to love mountaineering, after my family, it was my second love getting out there in the wild, no one around, camping for a couple of nights, just my and what was around me. However the surgery didn't go as planned, not a fault of the hospital or surgical team, they did a brilliant job and supported my rehabilitation 100%+.

    However, I did go through long periods of severe depression.

    It was a former soldier, an multiple amputee who did voluntary work at the hospital who shared that phrase with me, and I've followed that thought ever since.

    It wasn't easy to start with, but after a while, it won through, and while I miss the mountains and moors I do enjoy and become quite relaxed with nature either outside or in the garden.

    As IAD says, people come, people go, the important thing is those close around you, and there are some very good people here.

    Just to remind you of my opening line: "Enjoy what you do Zo, and you do a fabulous job."

  • Thanks. I enjoy and get quiet relaxed with nature aswell. Nature is all around you the only thing that isn’t nature is things that are man made. While there’s are a few man made mountains or rivers most of them were actually made by nature and natural events. For example the Cotswold Hills also known as Cotswold escarpments which are protected SSI sites were formed Naturaly and so was the River Severn and you can find fossils of animals that lives in the water a long time ago dateing all the way back to the Triassic period. The Cotswold Hills Area used to be under water a long time ago. And England used to be mainly woodland after that. That was before trees were chopped down which used to support things like Wolfs that eventually became exstinct in England. The Welsh mountains and Scotlands mountains were formed naturally aswell. The sun and moon also even though it is usually associated with space cause is it’s in Space is also part of nature aswell. Both the moon and the earth have there own gravitational pull and they both have a gravitational pull on each other. For the moons gravitational pull it has created a bulge on the side of the earth. the earth isn’t completely round. The sun we wouldn’t be able to do without cause its one of the things people and animals need to stay alive aswell as the water and food like fruit or berry’s that grow on wild flowers like bramble. Differant part of England have differant habitat and climate even though the whole island itself is a temperate climate. The mountainous areas are Scotland and Wales while parts of midlands or the south west  is very hilly. To the south east they get more sunshine to the west it tends to be dryer or wetter. I think it’s very interesting.  some of the reasons some people find nature relaxing vary from bird song to the sound of rivers aswell as looking at views and Wild animals and many other things aswell.

  • I managed to go yesterday. It’s not far from me.

     rock crab


    This is a vampire crab 

  • I forgot to mention I know what you mean about the on your own thing When I go Wildlife watching or birdwatching and enjoying Nature I usually go off on my own and I find it much easyer to enjoy Nature and Wildlife watch or Birdwatch on my own.   and when I’m with someone I do tend to go off and explore  sometimes. rather than staying with the person sometimes. I know one birdwatcher who does it as a hobby where I am.  And with people I’m with that don’t Birdwatch or Wildlife watch  they allways learn new things with me cause I teach them things sometimes. And the people  Im with have said since my hobby started that even though they arnt really that interested in Wildlife or birdwatching and don’t do what I do or know what I know they have found there more enthusiastic about Wildlife than they were and have started noticeing things they didnt notice before. And they like seeing the birds in the garden sometimes. 

    Sometimes some people find Nature peaceful cause of the feel of the place and cause it’s very quiet and still so  it’s not just water and sounds of nature and other things that people find relaxing in Nature. Nature and Wildlife can also be very peaceful in that way aswell.

    With the on your own thing you mentioned I understand what you mean by that cause Im like that aswell. Also Even though I like everything to do with nature and Wildlife I do have some favourite habitats. Some of my favourites are water habitats like natural rivers and streams and the sea. and woodland habitats and Mountains and fields and hills are my favourite aswell. I like other natural habitats aswell but i like them so much it’s hard to know which ones I like the most

  • Tuesday

    Two red clawed crabs interacting 

  • It wouldn’t let me send this earlier but it’s a crab reacting possibly defensively or aggressively to another crab 

  • A place you might like to visit if ever you're around Anglesey, is the See Zoo at Brynsiencyn.

    They work in conjunction with Bangor Uni on a lot of marine projects and research, and they exhibits, all live, are not just clear to view, but the photo/video opportunities are superb.

    The link will take you to their website, or you can look them up on social media: Anglesey Sea Zoo,