Canon 300mm f2.8 (test photos)

I guess the weather couldn't have given my new lens a better test as it was grey, drizzle on occasion and cloudy all day with low light  !!       I decided during the dry spell to grab a chair and sit with my camera by the far corner stumpery.      I deliberately chose a dull day to see what the f2.8 could do with it and selected the full frame 5Dmkiii.      I did not use any extenders on this test,  it was purely the 300mm reach although the garden birds are used to me so came within 3 metres or so. 

Well here goes with the first try out;   the one thing I was totally impressed with was the amount of light the f2.8 gives on a day when I could not have used the 100-400 mm without increasing the ISO to 2000 +        The other aspect was when viewing the photos, I noticed the subject stood out very well giving a nice bokeh and the quality as you would expect from high end glass was impressive considering the days weather.

The Wren was the most obliging so I'll start with that ...............

This is full frame camera,    Canon gear:     (5Dmkiii)  and     EF 300mm f2.8 L IS II USM

this shot not cropped at all  

same photo cropped

and now the others which I have also cropped for better detail

All in all, although I'm still getting used to the lens, I was pleased with the first trial.     It did feel quite heavy when assembled on to the camera body but I should be able to manage (even with my wonky arms lol)  as long as I try use a monopod for longer sessions.       I haven't had time to test it with extenders or for other shots so still very much a work in progress   !!    


Regards, Hazel