Where are all the cranes?

For the past two or three weeks common cranes have been passing over the Dordogne, but only in groups of 100 or so flying north. These are seen about 2 or 3 days interval, the first being on 15th Feb.  In a normal year I expect to see them in the thousands during the last two weeks of Feb.  Have I missed them this year or have they changed their route ? Maybe it is theunusual weather conditions: down here we have had very cold nights with hard frosts in the morning, followed by glorious sunny days, I believe the conditions further north have been cold and wet.  I am hoping that now the weather has changed with a southerly wind I might still be in luck.

Most of the cranes fly to northern Germany and Scandinavia, but I read that some do now go to the UK, on the east coast.

I have been waiting to get a good photo with my new camera, since this is not happening this year I am posting some I took in previous years.







Roy B, Semper Sersum

  • Hi FOFOF

    You can find daily updates on the crane migration through France on this site - I can't find an English language version, but Google Translate works fairly well.

    There is a comment on the 3rd which might suggest why you haven't been seeing many; " an observer located in the Gironde counted 30,000 cranes in just 45 minutes ! The corridor is shifted slightly to the north-west" 

    Are you in Dordogne department? If so, you may know this sightings database, Faune-Aquitaine, which has been showing major crane movements in the last few days. I would love to see them! 

    I am not sure whether British-based cranes do migrate - the ones released in Somerset have been there all winter. Great Crane Project