Lone swallow

We had some swallows nesting in our porch and each evening they would roost there.  For the last three weeks, there has only been one swallow, which is still roosting there.  We live in North Yorkshire and all the swallows seem to have departed, we haven't even seen any flocks passing through for a while.  It has been frosty on a couple of evenings recently but our lone swallow is still here.  We haven't seen any sign of it during the day, only when it roosts.

We are wondering about its fate - does it need to wait for others before joing the migration? 

  • Not sure which part of N.Yorks you are in James,but where we are on the banks of the R.Ure there are still quite a few swallows knocking about and we get larger groups passing over at least once a day.Also still got a few House Martins around and at least 2 Sand Martins around a nest area on the river,there is even a very late Swallow in the area.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can