Hello everyone. I haven't posted before but felt I had to tell everyone that I have just seen a Redwing in my garden. It's the first time I have ever seen one. Unfortunately, my camera battery was flat and I couldn't take a picture. The camera is now on charge and hopefully, he/she will come back.
Nice shot Tony!
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Great photo Tony. Thanks for sharing that.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Tony, what a wonderful photograph. Thank you for sharing it and thanks for the encouragement too. I have posted my Redwing pics, they are nowhere near as good as yours. He's still in the garden and seems to be thoroughly enjoying himself!
I'm also new to this forum but was just so excited to also see redwings in my garden for the first time. A few weeks ago I spotted one of these fabulous birds that I had never seen before. Since then they have been regular visitors to our garden and my husband and I spotted 5 of them today all after our holly berries! I appreciate that they will stay for as long as the berries last but they are delightful to watch. I too will try and take pictures before they move on. It is so nice to be able to share these stories with interested parties....
Welcome Sparrowhawk! This cold weather is certainly making these birds come to the gardens! I had in excess of 30 blackbirds waiting to be fed this morning!! Have never had that many!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Welcome from me also, Sparrowhawk.
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Thank you MarJus. Just been out in the garden again and there are now about a dozen redwings! Some of which are hopping about in the snow which is just fabulous (and faintly amusing) to watch. I'm going to get the camera out and see if I can catch this on film. To be continued....
Welcome to the forum from me also, Sparrowhawk. Good to have you with us.
Me too! Two Redwings have been here all day eating seed, hopping about and even managing to pull up the odd worm. Like you, I have never posted before - but like you, I had to tell someone! The Redwings are the first Red Status birds to appear in the garden since I started keeping tabs last year. Now I am just waiting for herds of wildebeest to sweep majestically across the lawn...
Hi we're equally excited. Two redwings and two fieldfare have appeared and started feeding in our garden over the last two days. Wethought we were blessed when a family of goldfinches moved in during the summer. But this? fantastic.