Swifts are back!

While walking back through the park with the dogs I heard the sound of summer - about 30 or so swifts flying in the sky above us!  They all suddenly appeared as if from no where!  Great to see them back!

  • Hi KatTai

    Ours returned here in numbers over the weekend I just love the sound and sight of them and your right its great to have them back.

    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Swifts returned to my district  on 4 May 2012. Not as many as there were 30 years ago, which is how long I have lived here.  

    I delight in them screaming down the back gardens at roof top level or screaming over my house as I clean my teeth in the morning. That's how I know they nest here abouts but I've never been able to discover where. Until this year  ...............

    But here in suburbia not a stone's throw away from my property I saw a Swift duck under a roof tile of one of the houses opposite mine. What joy!  What did I do first?  Yep, that's right. I called the RSPB Swift ''department'' and gave them an address for a Swift's nesting site.  A small heap of something white spotted through my 'bins' on the gutter confirmed my sighting.