Join BirdLife Malta to help fight against illegal bird shooting

Come to Malta this autumn and join BirdLife Malta’s Raptor Camp, to make a real difference towards the conservation of migratory raptors and other birds.

Malta is on the central migratory route between breeding grounds in Europe and wintering grounds in Africa, serving as an important resting spot in the middle of the sea for birds of many different species. Birds that pass over the Maltese Islands are met by widespread illegal gunfire, and many are killed to be taken home and stuffed as trophies. Some are also shot and abandoned in the countryside.

You can help protect these birds – by just being in the countryside watching birds, and filming and reporting illegal activities, these poachers can be deterred from aiming their shotguns at protected birds. BirdLife Malta teams maintain a strong presence in the Maltese countryside in the early mornings and in the afternoons until dusk, when birds, and illegal hunters, are most active. If a large number of birds, or a particularly rare species, is seen roosting in an area, teams will watch over these birds at night to protect them from the growing problem of night shooting.

 2011’s Raptor Camp will take place from Wednesday 14th September until Sunday 2nd October.

For more details, please visit our Raptor Camp information area:

For more info about Birdlife Malta visit -

  • Hi Bird Life Malta,

    I cannot join you unfortunately but my thoughts will be with you. meanwhile I am writing to MEPs, your prime minister's office, some British MPs and as many people I can find to alert them to your problems and your efforts to stop illegal hunting.

    I will try to keep up a steady stream of letters to keep the topic "live" and maybe others who read this thread and can't join you will do the same!

    Good Luck


    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!