Chiffchaff arrivals



Chiffies seem to be everywhere today-  I heard 3 singing as I filled up with petrol near Kings Lynn


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  • Hi S

    Your so right I went for a walk in a local wood yesterday and they seemed to be every where I even managed to get  couple of poor photos too, it is also the first time I have heard their song and not just the Chiff Chaff.


    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Shane said:
    it is also the first time I have heard their song and not just the Chiff Chaff.

    There are certainly masses of Chiffchaffs singing everywhere at my local reserve. Shane, the "chiff chaff" is their song and the only other call is a sort of "phoeet" sound. I am wondering if you heard another warbler. I've heard blackcaps starting to sing and willow warblers are around although I've not heard one myself. Dunnocks are also very vocal at the moment too.




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 30/03/2011 14:49 in reply to TeeJay

    Saw a Chiff Chaff in the garden this morning and also a Yellowhammer with the most vibrant yellow head.


  • Unknown said:

    it is also the first time I have heard their song and not just the Chiff Chaff.

    There are certainly masses of Chiffchaffs singing everywhere at my local reserve. Shane, the "chiff chaff" is their song and the only other call is a sort of "phoeet" sound. I am wondering if you heard another warbler. I've heard blackcaps starting to sing and willow warblers are around although I've not heard one myself. Dunnocks are also very vocal at the moment too.



    Hi TJ

    Maybe I was mistaken about the song and there were 2 different birds, there definately was the chiff chaff but then there was a song i have put the poor pics in this link maybe it was a willow warbler?




    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Hi Shane

    Interesting. Was the bird in your photo the one that was singing the non chiffchaff style song if you know what I mean?

    I find it tough to tell if the bird in your photos is a chiffchaff or willow warbler. In the second pic the legs look as though they could be pinkish and there is a long supercillium. If so it could be a WW but I'm not expert enough to tell.

    Have you listened to the Willow Warbler song?




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • seymouraves said:


    Chiffies seem to be everywhere today-  I heard 3 singing as I filled up with petrol near Kings Lynn


    I have 4 just in the the length(should be short really) of the village this year, last year was just 1 that I heard.

    Same with song thrush too though, they seem more abundant here this year, be intresting to find out if this is a local of wider occurence. Easier to find out now once the final breeding season atlas starts.

    It's both what you do and the way that you do it!

    You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
    William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)

  • Hi TJ

    I am not sure as I thought I was taking pictures of the same bird as it was all over the place it would not stay still, I have just listened to the WW song and that was much more like I heard so i guess that answers it then there were 2 different birds, thats what comes from spotting through the camera veiwfinder and not just using my eyes.



    Regards Shane


    My Photos in Flickr.

  • Convinced I heard one yesterday at the Lodge, but the sun may have just gone to my head, will go on another reccy today, weather permitting!


  • We have had Chiffchaff a few days now and got my first Willow Warbler on my patch yesterday as well as Sand and House Martins.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Waiting for warblers,martins, swift and nightjar to arrive....

    It's both what you do and the way that you do it!

    You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren.
    William Henry Hudson (1841 - 1922)