Black cap

Hi everyone

Very excited here in Hampshire. A Black cap visited my garden a few days ago and lo and behold, he made another appearance right on cue for the Big Garden Birdwatch this afternoon.

I didn't have time to get the camera out. Why am I never prepared!

  • Hi Lesley

    I am really pleased for you and on cue as well. They do seem to be flooding into gardens at the moment. I've got two who have taken up residence. Here's one of mine. Hope you get a photo.




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hello Lesley

    That's excellent news, shame about no photo but you may be lucky now you know it may visit again. I had a female visiting regularly last year but no male. I have high hopes for this year but nothing so far.

    TJ You are a wizard, you get everything in your garden! Lovely photo.

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Tj, what a wonderful photo. Thank you for sharing it. My Blackcap came back this morning, but seems to be too wary to use the feeders. I had  the camera ready, but couldn't get a clear shot, due to his liking for the shrubbery.

  • Hi - I have for the past 4 winters had a male blackcap and sometimes a female as well - but yesterday, I had two males - that's a first for us.  Last year's male spent most of its time using up his energy  chasing off the other birds. 

  • Hello All,

    I was very lucky to have a male & female.



    All the best


  • Hi Lesley

    What sort of food do have in your feeders? In my garden they seem particularly fond of the fat blocks as shown in my photo. If you haven't got one of those I can recommend it for attracting them.

    Christmas Rose, I know exactly what you mean. My two briefly shared a feeder but usually spend most of the time chasing each other around and shooing off any other birds that have the presumption to try to use "their" fat blocks.




    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Hi TJ

    I use the RSPB feeder mix in three feeders, peanuts in another, niger seed for the goldfinches and RSPB high energy suet balls. I also put out berry suet treats and mealworms.

    Thank you everyone for your replies and great photographs. I have the camera at the ready and have now put on a better telephoto lens. Hopefully, I may get a shot of him yet.

  • I saw a black cap for the first time a few weeks ago.  It still appears most days alone, and eats the crab apples on my tree.  I live in Cheshire.