Waxwing Invasion Continues in The Northeast.

Not as many birds compaired in the area compaired to several weeks ago.

But there's still a few small flocks about if you know where to look.

The birds are now feeding on Rose Hips after they have wiped out all of the Rowans, Coteanaster and Hawthorn berries.


Hopefully everyone has managed to catch a glimpse of these stunning birds?

Regards Buzzard

Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • I have a very sad story of a waxwing.

    As I have mentioned in another post about a problem where we live (here's the link to it, please help. http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/forums/t/39622.aspx) it was just after chrismas was sitting watching the telly in my lounge when something struck the window, which as you can imagine made me jump and needless to say I went to investigate.

    To my utter horror, I found a tortose shelled looking cat standing over a bird. I shoed the cat away and bent down to see if the bird was ok. Unfortunately I had gotten to it too late :(

    I took the young bird inside my house as I thought it looked beautiful with its biege feathers and striking red and yellow flicks on its wings.

    I humanly disposed of the birds body and just out of interest looked the bird up here on the site (this was way before I became a member or was as interested in birdwatching as I am now) and it was at this point I became very upset! As a bloke I know its not the normal thing for a man to get upset about such things, however it did. The young male bird that had hit the window as none other than a waxwing!!

    I can't explain properly how cross with myself I was after that, if only I had gotten out there quicker!

    Thats my story. I truely TRUELY hope I do get to see one again. What a beautiful bird it is.


    Chappers (and the Wife.)

    'Educate' me, on the wonders of nature.
