Hi we are staying in Lydd we saw a couple of brent geese near rye, but the thing that gave us a shock was there are still loads of Sandwich terns fishing in the harbour, we did not expect to see them sill here, on and around Samphire hoe, there are hundreds of martins
I think if the weather is good and the food is there why move on. Stock up and conserve energy, why rush when you can amble! Always a great sight Terns fishing, we get plenty off of Exmouth as they pass through. Its a great time of year to see migrants. I don't like to see the Swallows and Martins go, it means Winter's on its way....
Today just passed The RSPB Dungerness reserve we saw about 200 Barnacle geese in a field, now they are early. They put it down to climate change, mind you later today we saw glossy ibis egret, and great white egret,all on same lagoon.