I live in the Outer Hebrides. Last year, tree sparrows were spotted on Lewis for the first time in 25 years (http://www.stornowaygazette.co.uk/news/local-headlines/tree_sparrows_breed_on_western_isles_for_the_first_time_in_25_years_1_1766792). I saw this bird in my garden yesterday. It looked different from the other sparrows so I was wondering whether it might be a tree sparrow? I live over 20 miles from where the tree sparrows were sighted and am on the coast rather than surrounded by woodland.
Your help as always is appreciated thanks.
Yes, the big spot on the cheek is diagnostic.
Given an even chance, tree sparrows will live anywhere. Last summer I saw some in the centre of Vilnius, capital city of Lithuania!
Seriously thinking about trying harder!
Yes you have a Tree sparrow. As Jackdaw has noted, the cheek spot is a good ID indicator.
Hope he is breeding successfully near you.
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake
Ironically, the Tree Sparrow is not a bird much seen where I live in the south of England. It seems to do much better further north.
I notice the article also mentions Sand Martins are breeding again in Uist and Lewis. No sign of those I suppose?
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Thanks to all who have replied - the first tree sparrow I have seen and it's in my garden! Haven't seen the sand martins yet but this place is full of bird suprises...