Bird table has regulally 2 Robins sometimes 3

Being very new to this I have read that Robins are extremely territorial and that it is very unusual to see two feeding on the same table.

Although some bickering goes on I regularly see two feeding on the table happily at once and sometimes three. I seem to have an abundance of Robin and have seen 3/4 at one time in the garden

My blackbirds seem to have more of an issue with others of their own species

5 mins ago on same bird table was

1 blue tit

1 great tit

1 chaffinch

1 robin

all eating together

Is this unusual?

  • I would say that selection of birds feeding together is quite normal.

    I also regularly have 3 robins in my garden, but only the males are territorial and one will usually chase the other male away.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • I've got three as well. Two get on ok together but when the third one turns up there's always trouble :)

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  • I also have 3, but there is often trouble. They do sometimes eat from the same table, but not for long. This is mostly when they have paired up. One of mine sits in the tree next door. If another comes in the garden, down he comes in a flash to see it off.

    If you think about it, territorial birds have their own territories and only they know where the boundaries are. We look at our gardens where we carefully plant hedges or build walls and fences to mark out "our bit", but birds don't do that. One bird's territory may include the whole of next door's garden and just a bit of yours. Whereas another bird may have a different part of your garden, and so on.

    Robins are bullies, and can actually kill each other defending their bit. I read somewhere that robins are the major cause of death and injury to other robins than any other predator.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Female robins can be VERY territoral and sing for winter territories.

    I think the likelyhood is because of the aubundance of food the robins will tolertate each other

  • Susan H said:

    Robins are bullies, and can actually kill each other defending their bit. I read somewhere that robins are the major cause of death and injury to other robins than any other predator.

    Maybe you should post this in the "Horrible Bird" thread. I mean , everyone knows how cute and cuddly Robins are , don't they ?

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  • LOL Galatas! I would if I could find where I read it!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Thank you all for the replies, another question



  • Amongst other bird, i  have three Robins, Three male Blackbirds and one female every day.